Rocky V Movie Review

The 5th, and for years final movie in the Rocky Franchise, Rocky V was the big send-off for the character. For that reason, the film sought to bring (blog post) the character back to his roots, and finalize that he is never going to fight again. It does this in the most haphazard, cruel manners it really is quite remarkable.Source: Rocky V Movie

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Godzilla King of the Monsters Movie Review

Or as I like to call it: King Ghidora vs The Incredible Mark, Godzilla: King of the Monsters is the second Godzilla movie in Legendary's American-made series. This time around, TONS of monsters have popped up EVERYWHERE! Even worse.. the big three-headed rival of Godzilla makes his hundred million dollar CGI debut, King Ghidorah. Ne'er-do-wells,

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Guyver Dark Hero Movie Review

A mere three years after the live action Guyver movie disappointed the world, Guyver Dark Hero would be released. Not because the original was some kind of success that demanded a sequel, but the original brains behind the film really wanted to do a good job with it, and sought to right the wrongs this time around. For starters, the old cast is g

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Area 407 Movie Review

It's new year's, horror, science fiction, and even fits into Dinocember! What could go wrong? Well... there's that whole found footage problem, that's about as much of an issue as (blog post) dating someone with a cannibalism (blog post) problem.Source: Area 407 Movie Review horror movies - Decker Shado More Videos

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